More Info and Links from Assemblyman Dan Stec
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a new coronavirus (2019 Novel Coronavirus or COVID19) was first detected in China in December and is now spreading across the world, including New York State. For more information, call the New York State Coronavirus Hotline at 1-888-364-3065.
CDC Important Information
How it Spreads
Steps to Prevent Illness
What to Do if You are Sick
Frequently Asked Questions
Number of Nationwide Cases
Federal Resources
For important updates and statistics on what is happening nationally, you may visit the following:
• CDC:
• White House:
State Resources
For updates on what is happening in New York, you may visit the following:
• State Department of Health:
• State Department of Education: ces/coronavirus.html
• Governor:
What the Legislature has Done:
On Wednesday, the state Legislature convened to take up legislation aimed at providing paid leave to individuals who have been diagnosed with the coronavirus (COVID-19). This new legislation provides paid leave benefits to public and private sector employees in New York State who are subject to a mandatory or precautionary quarantine or isolation due to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
The Governor’s Executive Orders
90 Day Mortgage Relief
The governor has announced a 90-day mortgage relief program for New Yorkers, including waived mortgage payments for people facing financial hardship because of COVID-19.
Workforce Reduction
All non-essential business and non-profit entities are ordered to reduce staff by 100%. Essential business entities include:
- infrastructure programs,
- telecommunications,
- manufacturing (food processing and pharmaceuticals),
- banks and related financial institutions, and
- mail and shipping services, etc.
For a full list of up-to-date news, closures, and executive orders pertaining to New York and the coronavirus, please use this link:
For more information on this or any other state issue, please contact my district office at 140 Glen Street, Suite 101, Glens Falls, NY 12801,, 518-792-4546.
Covid-19 Sites & Fact Checking Sites
Good Morning Patrons & Friends!,
I am posting some web site links pertaining to the COVID-19 Coronavirus crisis. I know this may seem repetitive, but the more informed you are the better. I have also included some Fact Checking sites that you may also find helpful. Stay home, stay well and we will see you on the other side of this!
News from SALS about SALON
OverDrive Instant Card is up and running on the SALON site. The option to sign up for a card to access OverDrive content immediately using a phone number is now available via the sign in page. Please direct patrons here to sign up for an instant digital card to access OverDrive only: Patrons can also sign up for an instant digital card via the Libby app.
The process is simple!
OverDrive has offered Instant Card to us for free during the pandemic. We will evaluate the need for this feature moving forward at a later date.
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