Happy 1st Day of School and Reminders
Good Morning Patrons and Friends!,
Happy 1st day of School!! At this time, we here at the Library would like to remind all of our patrons of our current guidelines which will ensure everyone has an enjoyable and safe experience.
All patrons and visitors, age 2 and older, must wear a mask while in the library. We are hoping this measure will contribute to a decrease in the surge of the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus. We do ask that children, 4 and younger, be attended by a parent or guardian at all times.
Also, for the time being, we are asking parents/guardians to accompany their children, up to the age of 8, when visiting the Library. Children, age 9 and older, may come into the Library, unaccompanied, to pick up or drop off borrowed books or movies, check out books to read or use the computer (NOTE: In order for a child to use a computer, the parent/guardian, must come in and fill out an Internet Use Policy form, before their child may use a computer).
Again, all must wear a mask and practice social distancing, as much as possible, when in the Library. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at, 518-623-3011. Thank you and enjoy a SAFE new school year!!
Week 2 of FREE YOGA 09/08
Hello All!
Here are some photos from Week 1 of Yoga with Michaela! She focused on self-massage of the feet and calves to help increase flexibility and strength, and help prevent injuries. These are great exercises for runners and hikers!
Week 2 will be Strong & Stable Hips. To sign up for weeks 2, 3, and/or 4, you can stop by or call the Circulation Desk at 518-623-3011.
Supplies: mat, blanket and/or towel, mask, and yoga blocks (Richards Library has blocks if you do not!)
I would like to have programs available at the best times, for the most people. If you have suggested times of day and week for yoga groups, please fill out suggestion cards at the Circulation Desk, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much!
September 2021
Printed copies available at the Circulation Desk!

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