Update to Computer Usage-Part 2
After going through our first day of opening up for computer usage, fax and copying services, we are streamlining our computer usage appointment times to 1 hour . Our days and hours are still the same for usage: Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10 AM-2 PM…please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to your appointment so we may ask some health questions and take your temperature. Those people who have already set appointment times for Thursday, Sept. 17th, your times are still good. Thank you to all and please share this update on all your social media platforms.
School Opening and the Library
Dear Parents:
As we enter the 2020-2021 school year, we are also stepping into a new style of learning, safety and health awareness. By now you have received information regarding the opening of school and all the special protocols that need to be followed for a safe and healthy environment.
The Richards Library is no different in this area. In order to maintain the health and safety of our patrons and staff, we are informing you of the changes we are instituting.
For the time being, school children will not be allowed in the Library after school. The children can still be on the Library’s grounds to await rides or wait for friends who walk home with them. And, if any child feels that they are being threatened or in danger, they can still use the Library as a safe space; all they need to do is knock on our door.
These changes are not permanent and will be revised as the health crisis evolves and as our hours and services expand. We will allow the children back into the Library, but at a date to be determined.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us at 518-623-3011.
Leaving Our Fingerprints
Help make history by sharing your story of the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as we relied on information about the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1917-1918 to inform our response to COVID-19, future generations may benefit from understanding what we experienced. By collecting your stories, we become witnesses-to-history, providing insight into daily life during this global pandemic and adding to the historic record.How can you get involved? Please take some time to fill out this form — and feel free to share with your friends, family members, and neighbors — the more people participate, the better understanding we’ll have of the impact of COVID-19.This survey consists of 20 questions — you do not have to answer them all. Answer what you like — each one you answer helps paint a portrait of our community during COVID-19.Feel free to fill out this survey multiple times. For example, if you answered the questions on May 27th and have more information that you wish to report on September 15th (random dates selected), submit a second survey response. Thank you for participating.
Here on the Homepage on the right sidebar, click the picture like the one below to share your story. Thank you!!!

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