Leaving Our Fingerprints

Help make history by sharing your story of the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as we relied on information about the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1917-1918 to inform our response to COVID-19, future generations may benefit from understanding what we experienced. By collecting your stories, we become witnesses-to-history, providing insight into daily life during this global pandemic and adding to the historic record.How can you get involved? Please take some time to fill out this form — and feel free to share with your friends, family members, and neighbors — the more people participate, the better understanding we’ll have of the impact of COVID-19.This survey consists of 20 questions — you do not have to answer them all. Answer what you like — each one you answer helps paint a portrait of our community during COVID-19.Feel free to fill out this survey multiple times. For example, if you answered the questions on May 27th and have more information that you wish to report on September 15th (random dates selected), submit a second survey response. Thank you for participating.

Here on the Homepage on the right sidebar, click the picture like the one below to share your story. Thank you!!!

Tech-Talk is Here!!

Good Afternoon Patrons and Friends!, The library has purchased a license for a NEW database that we know will improve our patrons’ computer savvy. It is called Tech-Talk and you can get to it by coming here to our web page and on the sidebar, located to the right is an automatic link to Tech-Talk (it looks like the picture above). Tech-Talk is a web page database that has tutorials on just about all things related to computers and how to use the various programs such as Word, Excel, Power Point, etc. The videos are easy to understand and follow along. It provides tools for you to do things, like clean up the backgrounds of pictures or even make your own newsletter. The information provided is free for us to use, but please be aware, that some of the products provided may have a minimum cost to use, BUT, there are still plenty of FREE tools for you to use. Tech-Talk is for all ages (if you know the basics of computers, like turning one on!). Also, there are tutorials to show you how to use Tech-Talk…how simple is that??? On the Tech-Talk page you can sign up for a FREE newsletter that will be delivered to your e-mail address weekly with new information for you to try! The best way to learn is come here to our web page, click on the Tech-Talk picture and explore. Also, Tech-Talk can be accessed from any computer by going to: www.Tech-Talk.com and click on the Member Login and enter: richards for the user name and password. Go explore and learn new ways for you to make your computer knowledge grow every week!

Summer Reading Program Canceled

Painting by Kristine Greenizen

Good Afternoon Patrons and Friends, To say the last few months have been a little bit crazy, wacky, different, would be an understatement. During this time, we have seen changes that affect our daily routine or what we like to call the old normal. Here at the Richards Library, like many other places, we have had to change a lot of things. Unfortunately, our Summer Reading Program is one of them. For this year, we are canceling the program and we are hoping to institute it again next year during the Summer of ’21. The reason we are canceling this year is that we were going to try something different…an on-line summer reading program. Unfortunately, I did NOT get all the info out in time to the parents and children to begin this program. Plus, we were engaged in preparing to reopen the library which entailed new written policies, procedures and purchasing items to make the library and our patrons, safe for them to come back. We apologize for this decision, but for now it is the right thing to do. We WILL be starting the on-line Summer Reading Program again next year and EVERYONE who wants to participate WILL have all the information needed to join. We hope to see you then! Thank you and stay safe and well!!!!