Internet Use Policy:
The following are rules and regulations of The Board of Trustees of The Richards Library. These rules are effective March 3, 2014 and will be reviewed every five years.
The Board of Trustees makes the Internet available for uses that will enhance the Library’s role as an essential community resource. From this point forward, the term internet is inclusive of both the physical wiring entering the building and the wireless capabilities of connection surrounding the building.
In order to allow all users an opportunity to use the equipment, patrons are asked to comply with signup and time limitations.
All users are asked to respect the privacy of other users and not attempt to censor or comment upon what others are viewing.
Library Internet connections may not be used for any illegal activity including, but not limited to:
Damaging or altering computer equipment, systems or software
Displaying, printing or sending any material that is illegal, libelous, threatening or harassing
Downloading or installing any harmful program defined as, but not limited to, spyware, viruses, Trojans, malware, or any other illegal utility on any computer
Violating copyright or trademark laws, software licensing agreements or intellectual property rights
Users engaging in these activities may lose computer privileges and/or be asked to leave the Library. Library staff may summon law enforcement authorities.
The Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents and legal guardians to determine and monitor their own children’s use of Library materials and resources. To assist parents in their responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet, the Library: Considers placement of public computers in library location to minimize inadvertent viewing of public computer sessions Regards children’s safety and security when using electronic mail, chat rooms, gaming, and other forms of electronic communications Prohibits unauthorized access, including “hacking” and other unlawful activities by children Protects against unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors Restricts children’s access to Internet sites that are harmful to minors
I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of The Richards Library Internet Use Policy.